Avoiding The Danger Of Blindness In Toddlers Caused By Pink Eye

Toddlers don't usually suffer from a wide variety of eye problems, which makes it unnecessary for them to regularly visit optometrists. However, they may occasionally get struck by pink eye, a problem that may end up blinding them. Here is what parents and the baby's optometrist needs to know about this danger.

How Toddlers Get This Problem

Pink eye is a problem that can occur in people of all ages. For example, it can even occur in very young infants while they are in their crib. There are many different types of this disease, the most common of which is likely bacterial or viral infection. These cases of pink eye occur when the child is infected by a virus or strain of bacteria.

When they start attending preschool and elementary school, pink eye has an increased risk of occurring. That is because they are interacting with other children who may have it. However, it can also get passed on to toddlers if they get fecal matter or other waste on their face. When it happens, it needs to be managed as soon as possible to prevent serious concerns.

Pink Eye Can Cause Blindness

While most types of pink eye aren't very serious, some forms can affect newborns and toddlers and threaten their sight. Ophthalmia neonatorum is a dangerous form of pink eye that can quickly cause serious eye damage in newborns. Failure to treat it quickly could cause blindness to develop. The longer this problem is left untreated, the more severe the risk become.

That's why it is so important to identify pink eye in a child right away and to do what is necessary to get it treated. Thankfully, a good optometrist or ophthalmologist can create a treatment that keeps a newborn from losing their sight due to this condition.

It Can Be Treated

The first step in treating pink eye is to take a child to the eye doctor the moment that pink eye shows signs of developing. Once the doctor has diagnosed it, they will give the parent an ointment that can be used to kill the bacteria in the eye. It must be applied to the area infected with the bacteria.

It is important to avoid getting this directly in the child's eye. Instead, placing it on the corner of the eye is imperative, as this is where most pink eye starts to form. After applying it, use a warm wash rag to wipe it across the affected area. Repeat this action on both sides, using a new wash rag between the eyes, to apply this treatment method effectively.

A treatment of this type will last until the pink eye clears up. After it clears, it is still a good idea to take the child to the doctor to make sure that the pink eye has fully disappeared. Fully managing it in this way ensures that the child doesn't lose their sight and lives a life free from the dangers of blindness.
